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We currently find ourselves amidst explosive growth in AI and robotics. We, humans, are lazy and greedy. In this project, I imagine a dystopian future where AI technology is extremely centralized without policy intervention. Can we peacefully work together to formulate a new global strategy at this time? In the face of powerful robots, massive unemployment, global aging and a sharp drop in birth rate, can we common people still win?

(2020-2060 Digital Technology Development Trend)

Setting for the Future Worldview

Voting System for the Cybercommunism Manifesto:

1. Establish a global voter database: Create a database containing basic information about potential voters (such as name, nationality, age,
gender, etc.). Collect data through cooperation with governments around the world and authenticate the information. Personal information is stored using encryption technology to protect privacy.
2. Record voter information using blockchain technology: Store the global voter database in a decentralized blockchain network to ensure data integrity, traceability, and transparency. Each voter has a unique digital identity corresponding to a public key and private key.
3. Random voter generator: Use a secure random number generation algorithm to randomly select 1000 voters from the global voter database. To ensure randomness and fairness, multiple trusted third-party organizations can participate in the random number generation process.
4. Develop smart contracts: Use smart contracts to define election rules, such as voting time, candidate qualifications, and voter qualifications, to ensure the fairness, transparency, and automation of the election process. During the smart contract's validity period, the relevant rules cannot be tampered with, ensuring the fairness of the election.
5. Voting process: During the election, voters use their digital identities to cast their votes. Anonymous voting can be achieved through encryption technologies such as zero-knowledge proof to protect voter privacy. Voting data is recorded in real-time in the blockchain network, ensuring data transparency and immutability.
6. Counting and publicizing election results: After the election, smart contracts automatically count the votes. Candidate vote counts are stored in the blockchain network to ensure transparency of the data. The election results are published through smart contracts to avoid being controlled by any centralized organization.
7. Audit and supervision: Invite third-party auditing organizations to audit the election to ensure compliance and fairness of the process. At the same time, anyone can view the election process and results through the blockchain network, achieving public supervision.

The Voting Process for the "Cybercommunism Manifesto"

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1. Proposal Submission: The "Cyber-Communism Manifesto" is a global proposal that first needs to be discussed and deliberated internally within the United Nations. After multiple revisions and improvements, the proposal will be submitted to the global voting system.
2. Proposal Publicity: Prior to voting, the global voting system will publicize the "Cyber-Communism Manifesto" proposal, allowing citizens worldwide to understand the proposal's specific content, purpose, and significance. During this time, citizens can discuss and provide feedback on the proposal.
3. Voter Qualification Verification: Prior to voting, the 1000 randomly selected voters from the global voter database need to complete voter qualification verification. They need to verify their digital identity through the system and confirm their willingness to participate in the voting process.

4. Voting Phase: During the designated voting period, voters will cast their votes using their digital identity. They can choose to vote "for" or "against" the proposal. To ensure privacy, anonymous voting will be implemented using encryption technology such as zero-knowledge proof. The voting data will be recorded in real-time on the blockchain network to ensure transparency and tamper-resistance.

5. Vote Monitoring and Counting: After voting, vote monitors will verify the voting process to ensure its legitimacy. The smart contract will automatically tally the voting results. When the number of affirmative votes cast by a country's voters is greater than 50% of the total number of voters, that country will be considered to have cast an affirmative vote for the proposal.
6. Vote Results Disclosure: The smart contract will publicly disclose the voting results, including the number of affirmative and negative votes cast by each country. The results will be stored on the blockchain network to ensure transparency.
7. Proposal Deliberation: If more than 70% of the 138 countries express their approval, the "Cybercommunism Manifesto" will be consideredpassed. Otherwise, a new round of voting will take place next month, and the United Nations will further discuss and revise the proposal before it re-enters the publicity phase.

Story starts here:

2050 Voting News

The 13th round of voting for the Cybercommunism Manifesto has just ended, with 138 countries participating and 112 voting in favor of the proposal. Since the Global Network Crash of 2038, the United Nations has held numerous emergency meetings, and in 2050, they proposed the Cybercommunism Manifesto. However, the proposal has been continuously rejected in the past two years.

Recently, the problem of AI going out of control has escalated, and the conflict between the Anti-AI Alliance and the Emerging AI the government has led to a drastic increase in economic instability and resource scarcity. As a result, according to reports, 123,179 innocent civilians have died so far due to severe food shortages and extreme living conditions. The worsening situation has prompted world leaders to finally reach a consensus in this meeting, supporting the promotion and implementation of the Cybercommunism Manifesto.

Exploring the Cybercommunity of 2052

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